U-M rolls out pilot program to offer mental health support to student-athletes

Read the original story on MichiganRadio.org: By Virginia Gordan A pilot program to help student-athletes cope with mental health problems is under way at the University of Michigan. Daniel Eisenberg, associate professor at the U of M School of Public Health, is responsible for evaluating the program’s effectiveness. He said …

With NCAA Grant, Michigan Launches Pilot Program to Support Athletes’ Mental Health

Read the original story on SwimSwam.com: By Jared Anderson The University of Michigan launched a pilot program last week designed to support the mental health of its student athletes, and a former captain of the swim team has already taken a very visible role. The program is called Athletes Connected, …

Project to promote mental health featuring former U-M athletes resonates with many students

Read the full story by the Michigan News: Contacts: Laurel Thomas Gnagney, David Ablauf, Kara Gavin ANN ARBOR—A video opens with a young couple sitting in a car. The woman turns to the man and in a gentle, reassuring voice says: “This doesn’t change who you are. And this is …