Athletes Connected on Michigan Radio’s Stateside

Athletes Connected program coordinator Rachel Amity appeared on Michigan Radio’s Stateside program to discuss how this year’s Olympics changed the conversation around athletes’ mental health. By Stateside Staff Today on Stateside (Friday, August 13, 2021), what the latest census data means for Michigan’s redistricting process. Also, how this year’s Olympics …

Handling Grief & Loss

By Rachel Amity, MSW, Athletes Connected Program Coordinator As an athlete, you may experience a variety of losses throughout your career. Of course, you have probably lost a few matches, games, or competitions. Many of you lost typical seasons because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Maybe you’ve lost the opportunity to …

When Your Career Ends, What to Do with Your Athletic Identity

By Dr. Jeff Porter, U-M Director of Student-Athlete Alumni Relations and Former Olympic Athlete The moment is quickly approached; much faster than anticipated. You spent years perfecting your athletic ability and cultivating and crafting your athletic identity to reach the pinnacle of success as an athlete. With the end of …