ESPNW: After former Penn State kicker Joey Julius hit bottom, asking for help was the thing that saved him

ESPNW dives into the story of former Penn State football kicker Joey Julius and his struggle with depression, disordered eating and suicide ideation, as well as how Julius has sought help to get better. Below is an excerpt. By Emily Caron On Monday, March 27, 2017, the day after his …

Athletes Connected Launches Quarterly Newsletter

Earlier this week, Athletes Connected excitedly distributed its first quarterly newsletter to supporters, donors, student-athletes, coaches, staff and key stakeholders to the student-athlete mental health initiative. The newsletter brings the latest news, updates, events and coverage of mental health from around campus and the country directly to the reader’s inbox. …

USA Today: Few student-athletes with mental illness seek help

Athletes Connected was featured on USA Today College in a story that studies how few student-athletes seek help with their mental illness. U-M athletic counselor Emily Klueh was quoted to provide context on how different approaches are needed to work with student-athletes. Below is an excerpt from the story, which is the …

SwimSwam: Athletes Connected Creating Change and Constantly Evolving

Athletes Connected was featured on in a story that explains how the program is breaking through barriers of stigma and raising awareness of mental wellness. By Jeff Grace Have you ever struggled to find the motivation to do the things you love? Have you ever found yourself withdrawing from social contact? Worrying …