MLive: Battling depression, Ypsilanti Lincoln’s Ty Groce ready to get back to basketball

Below is an excerpt from By Ryan Zuke Ty Groce had it all going right for him on the basketball court during his senior year at Ypsilanti Lincoln. He was a match-up nightmare against opponents, averaging 17.6 points, 11.7 rebounds, 4.4 blocks and 3.4 steals per game. The 6-foot-7 …

Former Elite Athletes Reveal Mental Health Struggles After Retirement

Below is an exceprt from the Huffington Post Australia By Luke Cooper A cast of former elite Australian athletes have openly admitted to struggling with mental health issues, addiction and coming to terms with their identities after retiring from the sports in which they became champions. Appearing on the first …

News Medical: New research compares symptoms of depression in elite athletes and non-sports people

Read the original story on News Medical Sport has long been known to promote a sense of well-being, but at an elite level, athletes are just as likely to suffer from depression as people who don’t do any sport, a new study has found. The research from the University of …

For Student-Athletes’ Mental Approach: A More Educated Approach

Former U-M swimmer and Athletes Connected representative Kally Fayhee and U-M athletics counselor Barb Hansen contributed quotes to a story written by the NCAA for the New York Times. Below is an excerpt. Pressures can quickly accumulate for young people as they transition from home and high school to life …