An Athlete’s Guide to Coping During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Athletes Connected is compiling a special set of articles for the COVID-19 pandemic, starting with this helpful guide. A New Perspective: Adapting to Isolation Effective Learning Strategies Away from the Classroom By Jeremy Fallis, Depression Center Marketing Communications Specialist The cancellations, closings and general chaos associated with the 2020 Coronavirus …

Detroit Free Press: Athletes are killing themselves and schools in Michigan fear their players could be next

The Detroit Free Press had an in-depth feature written on Sunday, Feb. 16, 2020, about mental health and suicide in athletics and how it might affect schools in Michigan. Athletes Connected’s Will Heininger was featured prominently as were administrators from other Michigan colleges and the NCAA’s chief medical officer Brian …

MGoBlue: Roy, Shchennikova Become Mental Health Advocates Through Own Struggles

Michigan gymnasts Sam Roy and Polina Shchennikova experienced the end of their careers sooner than expected, thus affecting their mental health. Now they’re student coaches in their senior years on campus. Ben Blevins featured the duo for By Ben Blevins College gymnasts spend nearly their entire lives participating in …